In Malawi: Heaven Touched Down!

I have been too busy to do the daily updates on this mission trip to Malawi, but tonight, after all the VBS and Widow Lady outreaches were over, we did our nightly team meeting where we all reflected on the events of the day.
One by one, testimonies of the work of the Holy Spirit dominated the conversation, until at last we found ourselves worshiping…weeping…praising…singing…and shouting…while being held in the Master’s loving presence!
We closed out the meeting with “We are Standing on Holy Ground!” Which seemed to express the tone in the air as no one really wanted to leave but it was getting late.
God healed hearts, encouraged His people, helped us intercede for one another and bear one another’s burdens, and be better prepared for tomorrow’s ministries to the champions (disabled children whom this culture considers castaways but whom Christ has created to make the works of God made known).
As we go to bed with Heaven’s due on our brow, we eagerly anticipate waking up to a new day in God and His service!
Until Next Time,
Pastor Gary
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