And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by their occupation they were tentmakers.
(Acts 18:3 KJV)

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The Apostle Paul notoriously used the works of his own hands in order to support the work of the ministry to which God had called him.  Although he built the Biblical case that he could have, in every right, depended soley upon the church for his personal provision, he chose rather to be as resourcesful as possible so as to benefit the body of Christ even further in many ways.

Seeing his example, we feel that in many ways, we too are “tent makers” for Jesus.  That is, we use our skillsets to subsidize our ministry income in order for the work of God to go on, and in order to be able to stay where it is that God has planted us in His kingdom!

Pastor Gary is “a man of many hats”, as he is a Pastor by calling and an entreprenuer by zeal.  The latter is where we now draw your attention.

Kingdom Marketing now introduces to you our business website, where you can explore all that we currently have to offer.  Also feel free to follow us to stay informed as we roll out new offers in an effort to generate revenue for the financial support of preaching the Gospel to the ends of the earth!



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