Disappointed by old friends Who walk no longer with me now
Disappointed by their speech Who broke their promises somehow
Disappointed by allegiances That change at social whim
Disappointed expectations Leave hearts torn, & visions dim
But there’s One I know for sure Who’s more Faithful that the sun
Who won’t leave me nor forsake me When trouble comes, He never runs!
His motive PURE, His mission One To lead and guide me through the dark
Till morning comes, vision clears, And heals my broken heart.
So until then I’ll keep on Trusting This Friend more Faithful than the sun
His name is Jesus, Lord and Savior Son of God and God the Son
And even when I’m cold And Indifferent to His cause
He never stops loving me He holds me tight when my way I’ve lost
So this friend Who sticks more closely That a brother’s binding love
Will have my heart forever Till I see Him up above!
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