Today’s Reading: Psalm 113-115, 1 Cor. 6
Today’s Reflection: Psalms 115:12 The LORD hath been mindful of us; he will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron.
If, at the end of my life, others know then what I know now, then life will have been lived to its fullest! What, might you ask, do I know? I know without a doubt that the LORD hath been mindful of us! When a single solitary life in this realm of time has been marked by eternity, oh what an occasion to observe and rejoice over, but it does not stop there. It isn’t just that He has been mindful of me personally; it is that He has been mindful of US… ALL of us!!
Perhaps for some I might need to point out the evidence showcasing and illustrating this fact, as all do not easily or readily see or recognize it. But make no mistake, the unseen hand of God Almighty is evident in all our lives if we look close enough!
First, consider the fact that though you are troubled on every side, yet you are not distressed. This means that you are not so hemmed in closely that there is no way of escape. Oh, you may not see the escape, but we are promised that with every temptation (meaning every trial), God always makes a way of escape (1 Co. 10:13)!
Furthermore, while you stand there perplexed, and while you are waiting even now for the “way out”, you do not despair because at the end of the day The Holy Spirit gives you faith to still believe when you don’t have a leg to stand on! In other words, HOPE still LIVES even though your situation feels like death! Stronger people have crushed under lesser burdens than you, and yet you are not alone!
Look at you; even when you are persecuted by all human relations, yet God has not forsaken you! Even though you have been cast down, God has KEPT you from destruction! You are invincible until God is through with you!!
So be encouraged, child of God, that despite all the negatives, God in fact IS mindful of you even in this very moment, and the proof is in your survival through the fires of adversity. Let us rejoice today that we are still on His mind, and He is not finished with us yet. Just wait until He is finished, and you’ll see!!
~ Pastor Gary Caudill